
Mental communication (mindfulness)

In almost no other area is the fact that our subconscious mind guides and determines 80% or more of our everyday lives as evident as in marketing.

There is a popular saying that a person makes a purchasing decision for only two essential reasons.

A: A very deep-rooted need (a desire)

B: A deep-felt fear (a deficiency)

Since time immemorial, people have tried to understand how these two poles of our subconscious can be influenced and controlled. This opens up various areas of understanding communication from the perspective of the subconscious:

How does my subconscious influence me and my decisions?

"Success is a matter of mind"

... says the old saying. But what does that mean? What distinguishes successful people from the average careerist?

It is the ability to look to the future in a positive way; the ability to see defeats as opportunities or " learning opportunities " and, last but not least, the ability to arm yourself against negative influences, to expect them and to anticipate them (this is also called resilience) .

In our constantly growing series of seminars, we deal in depth with the topic of mental positioning, as the starting point of the " journey " to the optimized " self " and the mindset for success and balance.

We explore fears as a suboptimal starting point for the journey to success and learn to deal with fears and blockages and to anticipate them in our communication.

In this way, we create the basis for approaching our human and business relationships without any preconceptions and thus not robbing them of their potential as they arise.

Many communication and sales systems are based on the assumption that by understanding the motives of the other person ( desire or lack ) one should be able to efficiently influence them and play the keyboard of their emotions as virtuosically as a pianist - and as a result influence their purchasing or other decisions in our favor.

This is where the term " social selling ", which is so often used but rarely in this context, comes into play.

" Social " is what is ethical and this requires that I treat my counterpart with respect; and that already with regard to his emotions and motives and not just in - feigned - interest and hypocritical empathy.

Success is a resolution based on ethics and goodwill towards one's environment and can only be " social " in this way.

But social and ethical communication does not just begin in the business environment. Rather, it is the key to mindful and attentive communication in private relationships for couples, groups, families and, last but not least - as the ultimate discipline - in every kind of leadership role.

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Description of the offer, with links to download the course materials and dates

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How does other people’s behavior influence my subconscious?

Perception and mindset accompany us as topics in the area of ​​" non-judgmental communication ", which is based on adopting the observant-neutral view of every external influence and thus giving every occurrence in our environment the chance to have a positive influence on us.

The logical consequence is the acquisition of everyday strategies that enable us to distance ourselves from events that we perceive as negative without aggression and thus remain unaffected by these events without judging them and thus provoking conflicts.

An important step on this path is the ability to recognize and interpret behavior and to be aware of one's reactions and feelings.

This forms the basis for serenity, stress-free decisions and the abandonment of fear of loss, fear of rejection and the aggression that can arise from these fears in our subconscious as a protective mechanism.

The seminars and retreats rely on group experiences, role plays and playful exploration of behaviors, patterns and triggers.

An elementary component is the use of hypnosis and meditation in personal causal research.

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Description of the offer, with links to download the course materials and dates

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Description of the offer, with links to download the course materials and dates

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How can I protect myself from negative thoughts?

" How do negative thoughts arise? "

... is the basic question we are exploring in this seminar module.

In this section of our seminar series we devote particular attention to the " why " and the " when ".

Strategies for dealing with negative triggers and resolving underlying misunderstandings and subconscious fears also support us in the further question of how we can protect our environment from negative thoughts that we are the cause of.

The analysis of our vocabulary for negative triggers and the conditioning of consciously positive language use are the core and goal of this module.

Elements of waking hypnosis flow into a language image that calls on those around us to imitate and participate in positive communication.

In this seminar module, we also devote significant attention to the topic of " work-life balance " and the development of a flexible but mandatory rhythm of quality time as a basis for relaxation and a certain basic immunity to energy-sapping communication and judgment-based decisions and assumptions.

A non-accusatory fact-checking strategy and the resulting de-escalative questioning technique round off the module.

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Description of the offer, with links to download the course materials and dates

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Description of the offer, with links to download the course materials and dates

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How can I win over those around me through appreciative communication?

" What's in for me? "

...could be the question in the final module of this seminar series.
Why subject yourself to the arduous task of changing your language and thought patterns - apart from the positive impact on yourself and a level of self-awareness that is beyond normal motivation and self-enabling .

The conscious, positive influence on the environment should and may be the goal, but always under the aspect of ethics and social commitment .

Empathy and active listening are the basis and communication techniques from the field of behavioral psychology of negotiation professionals and international crisis managers complement the findings in our behavioral laboratory.

One could put it somewhat exaggeratedly that the entire findings of this series of seminars under the heading " Modelling of Excellence " culminate in the consciously achieved influence that constitutes the charisma and leadership qualities of international greats.

Or to put it more simply:
" How to make people like you "

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Description of the offer, with links to download the course materials and dates

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Description of the offer, with links to download the course materials and dates

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What methods are used for teaching

The tools used in our seminars include influences and techniques from depth psychology, sales psychology, neurolinguistic programming ( NLP ) and classical hypnosis according to Elman. Philosophical approaches from Haim Omer or Sun Zi also form the basis for developing strategies or working theses.

Role plays, coaching techniques, autogenic training and meditation are just as important components as the exploration of the subconscious in hypnotically induced trance and stress analysis.

The approach of moving learning & thinking is practiced in our " Walkshops " ( a mixture of hike and learning event ).

Who is this seminar series aimed at?

Leaders across the entire cross-section of the population.

From teachers to department heads, salespeople with the desire for sustainable success, career changers in sales and marketing, managers and assistants, people in public relations, politicians, public figures with a lot of communication needs, media professionals and generally people who want to improve their communication, get to know themselves better, minimize stress and live a more fulfilling life.

Last but not least, many elements of this seminar series are also intended for depression patients, burnout returnees and people who are starting to get out of the stress spiral.

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